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Chosen: A House of Night Novel

Chosen : A House of Night NovelBy PC Cast and Kristin CastFunny. Chosen was due to arrive after March 4 on my doorstep but I got it February 27. The Outlaw Demon Wails was due to arrive February 27 on my doorstep and yet I still do not have it (though an email I received at night last Friday claims that the book has finally shipped. I'll believe that when I see it in my mailbox!)Seeing as how I have been waiting with baited breath for Chosen to be published I of course wolfed it down in one gulp. I still stand by my "yummy" comment below, however I was sadly disappointed in the ending (which I will not give away, no need to fear too many spoilers in this post).Zoey is still dealing with her Imprinting with Heath (whom I just can not stand at all. I wanted him to go away the entire bloody book), her relationship with Erik and her, um, flirtation with Loren Dreamy Professor of Poetry. She's dealing with her friends and enemies. She's dealing with a whole heck of a lot for a 17-going-on-18 year old. Plus you know, she's Changing into a vampire and seems to have a very strong affinity for all Five Elements. Toss in some parental tension and shake well.I actually found this book to be very Buffy-esque Season...well, um, somewhere between 5 and 7 I guess, where the Big Bad feels the need to alienate her from all her friends so they can screw her over. (Ahem, no pun intended.) And you know,  she's more vulnerable on her own.I absolutely adore the narrative voice used for Zoey and love the back and forth dialogue amongst the characters. The Ladies Cast certainly have something special there and part of what makes the House of Night novels so much fun to read.The book was sadly over way to soon and I am even sadder knowing the next, Untamed, will only be out in the Fall of this year. I think waiting 6 months between books is unfair! Sure, authors need time to write them, but publishers like to make these release dates far between just to mess with our fragile psyches. I am sure of that. ;)I am curious to know if any other fan of these books feels the same way I do about the ending of the story. Leave me a comment with your thoughts. I will edit any major spoilers if they appear so that others who haven't had the chance to read it yet will not have to worry. ;)House of Night

  1. Marked
  2. Betrayed
  3. Chosen
  4. Untamed
  5. Hunted - Gave up because 5-9 were hard cover, also they started sucking :(
  6. Tempted
  7. Burned
  8. Awakened
  9. Destined
  10. ??