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Class of '88: Sophomore

Class of '88: Sophomoreby Linda A. Cooney

Five friends. Nick, the golden boy, Celia the beautiful, Sean the thinker, Allie the wild, Meg the brave.Celia flirts outrageously with Redwood High's #1 b-ball star. She's not really using him... she's just trying to get ahead. Meg's got a new guy, too. So what if Nick thinks he's too wild for her? Nick doesn't know everything about Meg. He doesn't know everything about his buddy Sean, either. Sean sees more than people think he does - especially about what's happening between L.P. and Allie.When five friends make it this far together, why should sophomore year tear them apart? (transcribed from the back of the book)

Well, I have made it to chapter 15 of To Kill a Mockingbird and I have rewarded myself with another high school year in Redwood High. I have once more leaped through time going from 2010 to 1960 to 1986 and back to the future! (Fun Fact! It's been 25 years since Back to the Future came out. Can you believe that? I feel so old. I'll bet some of you weren't even born then. Heck, I was NINE!)But anyhow... yet more awesome 80s pop culture exploded through the pages of this book. The story starts off with a New Year's eve party at Nick's house. These teens welcomed in 1986 with excitement, chips and drama! I love chips. So much that I even got up and got myself a bowl of chips to eat while I read the rest of this book. Chips! Yum!As I read this book I remembered thinking when I read it the first time "Wow, these girls really whine a lot. Get over yourselves." And remembered thinking that because I thought it again this time around and had a weird sense of deja-u again. I remember not liking this book as much as the first because for the life of me I couldn't care less about the shallow life of Celia or the clingy "I have to  be with my boyfriend all the time" Allie. I understood Meg's desire to be less a goody-goody and dependable and try to be more wild but to be frank the boy she starts to date is a douche. I might not have known that curse/slang word when I was 12 but by golly did I think he was a stupid head!I also remember thinking "Why won't Meg and Nick just get together already!" when I know deep down that the point of these stories is to show how friends can have feelings change for each other. It was so obvious to the reader (which in part was due to the writing. These stories aren't really pillars of subtle text. Everything is BAM! IN YOUR FACE!) and I knew then and now that Nick and Meg were struggling with their feelings for each other and each thought the other wouldn't return them. But come on, already.I shall travel back to 1960 now and continue my TKoM journey. No video as of yet as the MacBook Pro is in Ye Olde Computer Shoppe getting its cd drive repaired and I am out of batteries that are charged for my digital camera. Obviously fate does not feel I should make any more videos. I might be ok with that.Oh, and as a side note - I still have trouble spelling Sophomore. Those fancy words you Americans use to classify grades 9-12 are confusing. It took me a looooong time until I was able to figure out the order. I was down with Freshman and Senior, but the ones in the middle were a mystery to me! Silly outside of Quebec school system.Class of ’88

  1. Freshman
  2. Sophomore
  3. Junior
  4. Senior