Class of '89: Sophomore

Class of '89: Sophomoreby Linda A. Cooney

Four girls. Friendly, good-hearted Bets. Laurel, lonely and unsure. Micki, who tries to hard. And Page, who has it much too easy.Page could have any boy she wants. But she wants Nick Rhodes, and he doesn't want her. Now that Micki's class president, she thinks she'll be happy - instead, she's just unpopular. Laurel's father has forbidden her the one thing she cares about. Maybe it's time t0 defy him. Bets has fallen for a boy whose heart is with someone else. The only one who can't see it is Bets herself.Some people say every year gets a little easier. Some people aren't going through sophomore year. (Transcribed from back of book)

Hey, another crappy photo with this post! I don't have time to go down and scan my cover and make my regular image. I'll have to update that at some point. I'm just surprised I found an image of this book that wasn't uploaded by ME on the net.I don't recall nearly as much about this series as I did the Class of '88 one. I think that's because I just don't find these four main characters all that exciting. I didn't find the characters of Class of '88 as self-involved and petty as these girls. I just don't care about their stupid problems. The friendships aren't as tight and the dialogue isn't as fun. There are fewer pop culture references to the '80s as well than the previous series. I miss that.Since I was having trouble reading other books I have had this one on my night table for those restless nights where I just wanted to read something and not a lot of it. So it took me a month or so to get through this book at only 219 pages. It's a small dose read since it's being read merely for nostalgia sake and not for any other reason. I now have Junior by my bedside in case I fall into a lull now that I have finished all 3 Gail Carriger books that are available. (Those reviews to come!)One thing that struck me is no matter the year (1987 or 2011) teenagers always seem to be focused on the same things. It's weird how your entire world view is made up of what goes on in high school. I feel like we need to change that. Maybe the internet will help with that a little?Class of ’89

  1. Freshman
  2. Sophomore
  3. Junior
  4. Senior


