In My Mailbox #57 & BEA/NYC Quickie Recap
In My Mailbox is hosted by The Story Siren.
Surprise books in the mail are always fun to get! I got two of those this week from Simon & Schuster Canada!
- The Blessed - Tonya Hurley (September 2012)
- Embers & Echoes (Wildefire, #2) - Karsten Knight
I had a great time in NYC with my two roommates Kristi and Shanyn. I promise there will be a recap post soon. I am starting my summer 4-day work weeks this week (yay!) so I'll have a little extra time on weekends to blog and read. Even my reading is suffering, people! I just do not have time for anything anymore. When did that happen?Also... HOW is it already halfway through June? Seriously! I don't understand where this year has gone. We're almost halfway to 2013! Scary.