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Out of My Pocket Lucky 13 - Or I have a wicked migraine so it'll be half-assed

Due to my book buying addiction I started this  feature on my blog where I post about the book(s) I bought that week. Not something I plan on having every week – though it seems to be turning out that way.  So here’s what I bought this week!

Previous OoMP posts can be found here!

Dammit! I wasn't going to buy anything else other than the two books I bought at the beginning of the week - but then today, because of our Costco frustration, we ended up somewhere next to a bookstore and I suddenly found 4 new books in my car when we left. Drat.

Bought Friday:

Bought Tuesday:

The two books on Tuesday were special ordered at the store near me - so I hope to have them in hand next week. I could have walked to the next store over to get the new Rachel Caine, but I like to spend my money in the mall store rather than the large format one. Mostly because a friend of mine is the manager there. ;)Funny story about the Isobelle Carmody books - I didn't realize they were the same author! For the first time since I have added these books to my wishlist I remembered to look for the Obernewtyn series. Only I didn't recall the author, so I tried various spellings of Obernewtyn on the store computer until I found it - they actually have the entire series in that store! I started with the first one in case I didn't like it. AND because I WASN'T SUPPOSED TO BE BUYING BOOKS! So then when I happened to be next to the bargain tables on the way to the cash - well, I saw the brown Little Fur and though, Hey! This is on my wishlist. And then I saw they had the second one - and they were only $4.99 and the covers are all fuzzy! So I picked them up. Only as I was about to pay did I realize they were the same author.And really, all this started because right now the latest book by Michael Scott has come out - The Sorceress and it looks very interesting, only I haven't read the first two books. And I can't seem to find the first book in any store right now. The store I was in on Friday had ONE copy in stock. Right there. Staring at me from the shelf. It was fate! I had to get it! And since I was getting that one, why not get the Obernewtyn book, right? And while I was waiting for my husband to pick up his new D&D manual, I happened to be perusing the bargain table... and...So now I have books. And my migraine is letting me know it's time to go lie down. Time to schedule this post and log off the computer!Oh! And I have to leave you with this one last thing - I know many people have been talking about the revamped (heh, no pun intended) covers for some classic books. They have jumped on the Twilight Train and it just disgusts me. However, I couldn't stop myself when I saw this in the store on Friday (no, I did NOT buy it!).


In case you haven't see these yet - this is a Twilight-esque cover of Emily Brontë’s Wuthering Heights. It's in the YA section of the store I was in. I was trying to take some photos of myself holding it while grimacing with my camera phone, but my grimaces were looking way too much like smiles. Ha! So I had Shawn take one with his iPhone and I just decided to go with a real smile. And in case you haven't see this yet - that little circle boasts "Bella & Edward's favorite book!". Gag. I didn't see Jane Austen's Pride & Prejudice : Before Bella & Edward in the store. And trust me, we LOOKED. I am so sick of Twilight (and I might just have lost all 7 of my readers for saying that. Please don't shiv me!)Ok, NOW, going to rest my migraine. ;)