Out of my Pocket
Like my clever title? Ha. Ok, so it's not that clever, but since I went out and bought these two books today and they didn't show up In My Mailbox, I thought I would try to be clever. Shush.I was very sad on Thursday when I stopped by Chapigo on my way to an appointment after work only to find that the book I was going to buy was NOT IN STOCK YET! How frustrating! Fragile Eternity was supposed to be out last Tuesday and I was eagerly awaiting it and yet... nada. But I did end up buying the third Fablehaven book that was due out last month. So imagine my delight when I was checking the online Chapigo site to see if this book was in any of the stores yet and it was - at the large format Chapigo near where I would be going to lunch with my husband and his best friend! Hence my dishing out the outrageous price for this book this afternoon. I know I have an anti-hardcover stance, but I have this particular series all in hardcover and I would like to keep it that way. It just looks prettier. Melissa Marr should feel all special that I think her books are fantastic enough for the hardcover prices! Haha!And this one caught my eye - and I have never heard of it before or seen it but they had the first book in the series on the shelf and it had a faerie on it AND it was $8... so... you know...
The Various - Book One in the Touchstone Trilogyby Steve Augarde
It is a fact, an absolute fact, that there are creatures on the surface of this earth that have never been observed by man. . . . We may think we have seen all that there is to be seen on this tiny planet of ours. We most certainly have not.There have been stories of the "little people" - piskies, fairies, Jack O'Lanterns, call them what you will - ever since the world began. Quiet rumors and whispered hearsay are all they amount to, until a twelve-year-old child discovers the truth, hidden away among the briars and brambles high about the Somerset wetlands. The truth is strange and wild - and sometimes deadly. You have been granted three wishes, and The Various is but the first. (Transcribed from the back cover.)
Looks like this book was first published in 2005 and it's being reprinted - likely due to all the faerie themed books these days. Which as far as I am concerned is A-OK! I wish these books were all around when I was a kid. Has anyone out there read this series? It seems sort of similar in theme to the Fablehaven series which I love so much. I am looking forward to reading this one.